Intake Doors
The door are Top opening, bottom pivoted, Auto closing hopper for garbage chute.
They are Fire rated, 90 minute UL Labeled 10B. Max. temp. rise of 1210C in 30 min,
Underwriters Laboratory (UL)USA. We also provide 2 hours fire rated chute
hoppers. As controller for interlocking or sorters is part of chute intake hopper,
controller has to be UL listed & we have separate certification for UL listed
controllers. They are fixed with chute in face with front wall.
Shaft of Garbage Chute is manufactured in stainless steel (SS430). The standard
diameter of shaft is 450 mm and can very up to 600 mm depending upon the use of
the shaft.
Sanitation System
It cleans the chute from inside, to maintain hygiene. It is installed at roof level &
operated by Control Panel in the garbage room. We provide 120⁰ solid-cone
profile discharge sprinklers provided at every intake level. Different sprinklers at
every level keeping discharge constant irrespective of changing inlet pressure as
per building height. It takes 2 minutes of cleaning cycle every day. Water and
disinfectants are sprayed during the cleaning cycle using PVC pipes.
Auto Closing Fire Door
It is installed at bottom of chute in garbage room. In case of fire in garbage room
as the temperature cross 79 degree Fusible link melts closing the fire door. Fire
door blocks the path of fire preventing heat transfer
Fire Sprinkler
It is installed at top and bottom floors and every alternate floors. In case of fire as
temparature rise beyond 79 degrees celcius fire sprinkler opens and releases water.
Air Vent
It Removes foul smell and gases generated and exhaust above roof level. It is
installed at roof level, operated by control panel. It is designed to give min. 20/40 air
changes/hr. It is installed by reduceing diameter vent or full diameter vent. Exhaust is
min 1. 2 meter above roof level.
Segregated Garbage Chute System
As per latest environment and Goverenment of India’s Initiatve, it helps in disposal
of DRY and WET garbage sepratly. Gegregated Garbage Chute System allows
collection of DRY and WET sepratly using single chute. It also save cost of installing
multiple chutes.
It is available in plastics / galvanised steel. The capacity selected as per building
requirement. The available standard capacity :- 240 / 360 / 660 / 770 / 1100 liters.
We also provide customised fabricated trolleys
Odour Control System
Odour Control Unit is designed for installation in Garbage / Trash Rooms for
controlling or reducing the odour generated. This odour is a result of decomposition of
garbage in the bins at ambient temperatures. Odour can be controlled in different
ways. By using this unit, odorous gases are masked & neutralised by the herbal liquid.
To achieve this, the herbal extract liquid is dispersed in the air in very small particle,
sizes ranging from 1-10 microns. These particles get attached to the molecules of
odorous gases. As a result, the weight of these molecules increases, they settle down
& then bio-degrade.